Improvised courts and firing squads, wherever fighting takes place: an estimated 20, plus the important ones at Châtelet and the Luxembourg.
Internet, no source named
The family head stands quietly, arms folded, a posture that many take up and that Versaillais mention with grudging admiration.
%20Massacre-Mur-Federes%20550.jpg) |
Firing Squad, the Mur des Fédérés, May 28 1871, by E. Bousseau / zoom
"We shot about 40 of those creeps ["canaille," bold in the text.] They all died as soldiers. Some folded their arms and held their heads high. Others opened their tunics and cried, 'Fire!' "
-- Lissagary citing
"One of the most violent journals of the Belgian bourgeois against the Commune, l'Etoile,"
and other eye-witness accounts from that and similar sources.: Appendix XXVIII
Dehumanized victims
"All great cities have cages for lions [...] when they are opened the hyenas of '93* and the gorillas of the Commune burst out."
*The leaders of the Revolution who sent 2000 people to the guillotine.
Individual responsibility weakened
Killings are organized in phases — arrest, escort to prison, judgement, firing squad. Soldiers may not know the outcome, or tell themselves they don't.
Victims wait in line to be shot.
Merry music as background
When the shootings move toward the eastern frontier, soldiers and victims hear polkas played by Prussian orchestras.
-- Vuillaume, My Red Notebooks: the Hostages of rue Haxo (in French)
Nazi death squads in Eastern Europe make local accordionists play as they shoot.
-- The Einsatzgruppen, documentary on RML (French television), October 2, 2017
For bounties of 500 francs for information that leads to the capture of a member of the Central Committee or the Commune, and innumerable letters for one's own goals.
-- Louise Michel
"Solid citizens, having taken over, formed purification tribunals in their districts and had their rivals, their creditors, arrested as Communards [...]. The Commune had rejected denunciations, while the police now kept an open register. The avalanche of letters came to 399 823, the official figure, of which 20 at most were signed."
-- Lissagary.
In occupied France the Gestapo received more denunciations than it could follow
(commentary on the The Crow by Henri Clouzot, 1943, Arte, October 18 2019.
(A "crow" was a person who denounced anonymously.)
Transport to prisons in cattle trains, so crowded that prisoners die
-- Lissagary citing a letter from the geographer Elysée Reclus
Appendix XLVII
The first concentration camp
(At Satory, next to Versailles)
"The Prisoners at Versailles — the Roll Call"